Teachers educate thousands of young Americans during the course of their career which makes them a force multiplier. When you educate an educator, you educate thousands.
ATTENTION FELLOWS: The 2025 James Madison Fellows’ Fellowship Campaign begins March 16 and ends April 16. Donate Here
Our Mission
The James Madison Education Fund, Inc., or James Madison Fund, is an independent 501(c)(3) nonprofit that promotes civic competence, civic responsibility, and the widespread participation of America's youth in the civic life of their communities, and the nation, by educating secondary school teachers. As the James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation, or James Madison Foundation’s, nonprofit partner, the James Madison Fund generates financial and creative support for the James Madison Foundation's educational programs, public initiatives, and exhibits. For more information visit www.jamesmadison.gov.

Combined Federal Campaign
We are a proud participant in the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC), the federal government's workplace giving campaign. If you are a federal employee, postal worker, military member, or federal contractor, please consider designating the James Madison Education Fund, Inc. as your charity of choice for the 2024-2025 Combined Federal Campaign. Our CFC Code is 11763. Or, you can search "James Madison Education Fund, Inc." in the CFC's online catalogue.
Programs We Support
The James Madison Fund's support makes possible James Madison Foundation programs including:

The James Madison Fellowship Program
A highly selective, prestigious, nation-wide program, administered by the James Madison Foundation, for secondary school teachers of U.S. history, U.S. government, and civics in every state across the country. The program focuses on developing a cadre of secondary school teachers who are experts in U.S. constitutional history and government.

Frederick Douglass–James Madison Fellowship
The Frederick Douglass–James Madison Fellowship program, a privately funded, nation-wide program for secondary school teachers of color who are teachers, or prospective teachers, of U.S. history, U.S. government, and civics across the United States.

Summer Institute on the U.S. Constitution
The Summer Institute on the U.S. Constitution is a rigorous graduate level course of study for James Madison Fellows to gain constitutional expertise from leading constitutional scholars. The Summer Institute on the U.S. Constitution educates James Madison Fellows using original source materials on the U.S. Constitution. James Madison Fellows then return to classrooms across the nation to share their newly acquired U.S. constitutional scholarship with the young American’s they teach.

The Annual James Madison Lecture
The Annual James Madison Lecture is one of the James Madison Foundation's flagship programs. The lecture is held in conjunction with the Summer Institute on the U.S. Constitution and it is often broadcast on C-SPAN2 American History T.V. For over 20 years, America's thought leaders have used the James Madison Lecture to raise topical issues related to the U.S. Constitution and drive discussion of significant questions. The event is open to James Madison Alumni, Friends of the Foundation, and the general public.

James Madison Congressional Fellowship
The James Madison Congressional Fellowship, which offers James Madison Fellows the opportunity to work in the Legislative Branch of the Federal Government where they acquire an in-depth, practical, experiential, understanding of the legislative process to share with their students.

Cuban James Madison Fellowship
The Cuban James Madison Fellowship, founded under the direction of the late Senator Edward J. Kennedy, brings leaders in the fields of academia and civic engagement from Cuba to the United States for an intensive fellowship designed to broaden their expertise on the foundations of American constitutionalism. Cuban Fellows have the opportunity to engage with more than 50 American Fellows from around the United States, and American Fellows have the opportunity to learn from the unique perspectives of an individual from an emerging democracy.

Constitutional Conversations
Constitutional Conversations, a video series of discussions with America’s leading scholars about the principles, framing, ratification, and implementation of constitutional government in the United States.
Additional Activities
In addition to supporting the above James Madison Foundation programs, the James Madison Fund also supports the following activities.
- Named permanently endowed and annual fellowships, which allow donors to fund a James Madison Fellowship in their name, and in a specific state, through annual funding or a permanent endowment.
- Publishes the James Madison Foundation’s annual report and alumni magazine, Madison Notes.
- Promotes the James Madison Foundation and the James Madison Fund through advertising campaigns, marketing campaigns, and each organization’s website.
- Special events, including the annual James Madison Lecture, which provides James Madison Fellows and the general public an opportunity to hear directly from U.S. constitutional experts. For over 20 years, America’s thought leaders have been invited to give the James Madison Lecture where they raise topical issues related to the U.S. Constitution, which drives academic discussion.